Friday, June 12, 2009

Were did all the artist go?

Today music is more popular than it probably ever was, due to its avilability. Its great and all but the more popular music gets the easier it is to see the lack of talent and music production of the genre, in this case rock. starting in the 60's rock and many stlyes like it were booming and the genre as a whole was on top of the music world.By the 70's late 80's it became even more popular and showed no signs of letting up. Groups and artist such as Guns and Roses, Velvet Revolver, Police, Jimmi Hendrix, Led zeppilin, Black Sabith, Stevie Ray vaughn and many others were the face of rock blues rock and so on. Eversince we left the 80's the genre has been suffering a great deals. With bands spliting up to artist dying the future didnt seem to bright. With all this happening there were a significant change in the number of influential artist and bands. Such a drought could bring the genre to harder times than its enduring now. With bands like Greenday and the Jonas brothers leading the way we all seem to be doomed about the years to come.

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