Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gibson SG fade, or fade out?

Gibson, a line of high end guitars has done a horrific job with their new SG fade. This model has been bashed by avid followers of gibson, along with past and present owners. So i took the time to see just how bad the gibson really was. I must agree with everyone, Gibson dissapointed me eventhough I am not a big fan of theirs.

To start off the setup that it comes with feels very unorthadox and uncomfortable. The bridge is extremeley high the neck is weird the frets are rough. To make it simple the guitar just sounds like rubish. This is truly what you would expect from Epiphone.(Epiphone, owned by Gibson. A more affordable version of Gibson they come out with exact models just less expensive). To make it even worst the running price for it is about $1,200. This price quickly changed to a measley $700 after about a month of sales and reviews. Personally I think Gibson should take the loss and pull this sorry excuse of a guitar of the shelves and stop scamming people.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post...clear opinion and voice.

    You should add a photo of a this guitar and a link to its website.

    Also, clean up a few grammar errors.
